2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain : "Bullying Must be Stopped!" by Class 24

Hi Everyone! This essay is the "Writing Chain" we did in class 24.
By this "Writing Chain" activity, I learned that each people's writing style and perspective is different.
There were some parts that didn't make any sense, but I edited it.^^
Our classmates wrote it with nice organization, so I thank them very much.
By the way, we should re~ally stop bullying! You'll know why if you read my essay.
OK! Have a great time reading my essay!
THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Bullying must be stopped. Nowadays, in school, many kids are bullying one kid. Even though the bullies feel fun by doingit, the kids who are getting bullied feel terrible and sad. There are several reasons why bullying must be stopped, and there are some ways to prevent it.
     First, when the students bully one student, they'll feel hurt and they'll think that they ae useless. Then they think that they should die, and suffers from depression. This leads to suiciding. According to Cheong-Yea-dan, an engine for School bullying, found out that students who were going to suicide or thought about it was 15.8%. Therefore, to save one's ife, bullying must be put an end.
     Second, by getting bullied, the students can have mental problem. When the students bully a particular student, they bully by hitting or swearing at the student,  and that student gets a mental problem such as mental agony.
     Third, bullying affects the student's societal relatinoships and their future. Students or children who got bullied might think like this; "If I get out, I will get bullied again." As a result, they can't be active in society and cannot enjoy social life. That is why people who were once bullied suffer getting a job, or making friends. Therefore, this affects their future, too.
     Lastly, if bullying increases across the whole country, our country will be quoted; "Scary Country", "Dangerous Country", or other negetive names. Thus, bullying affects our country in a negative way.
     Then, what are the ways to stop bullying? To stop bullying, we must find out who the bullies are and punish them strongly so that they won't do it again, such as thinking chair, calling the parents, or removing them to other schools. Another way to stop bullting is educating he children well. We should tell all of the students to think about how they'll feel if they're getting bulied. They will be alone with no friends, and will be afraid to go to their school or any place she can be bullied. They also should tell them the bad effects of bullying. That'll give them a lesson, and we might get a result that nobody bullies others.
     In conclusion, bullying should be stopped in the reason that it negatively affects people. Also, by the ways on the top, we should make a society that is quoted; "Society with no bullying, but PEACE"

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