2011년 1월 11일 화요일

Reflective Essay - "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" movie

     In the film, "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", a monk and his young student come out. They live together in a house on the lake. While they spend their days, the monk teaches his young student a lesson by his mistakes. They young boy tied a fish, a frog, and a snake with a rock for fun, and the monk saw that scene. Therefore, they night when the boy was sleeping, the monk did the same thing to the boy. He tied the boy with a thick rope and a big rock. Next morning, the monk ordered him to untie the animals, but most of them were dead. By this, the boy regretted his behaviors and cried. By this discipline, I think the monk is trying to teach him two lessons; "You will get paid for your bad behaviors" and "You should respect nature as if it's yourself". Also, I believe that the monk's discipline is efficient enough for the boy to reflect.
     In my opinion, I think the monk is trying to teach his young student that "You will get paid for your bad behaviors". It's because the monk did the same thing to the boy, as the boy did to the animals. By this event, the boy was paid harshly for his faults by getting tied. In my experience, I also got this lesson from my parents before. When I had many Hershey chocolates, I gave one each to my family members, but not my sister, because we had a big fight. My parents saw it as if she knows everything, like the monk in the movie. Later, when we went to the Ice-cream shop, she bought everyone an icecream exept me. Temporarily, I felt angry and disappointed, but later, I realized my fault and learned a lesson that I will get paid for my bad behaviors.
     Another lesson that I think he's trying to teach is, "You should respect nature as if it's yourself". It's because when the boy treated nature(animals) badly and disrespected them, the monk disciplined him. Likewise, I had an experience similar to this. When I was young, our family went hiking. While I was hiking, I ate some chips and it was annoying to bring the trash home. Therefore, I just threw it in the mountains. Again, my parents witnessed it and I got in big trouble. I learned a lesson that I should respect nature.
     I think that the discipline of the monk is well-done. By doing the same thing as the boy did to the animals, the boy regretted and learned a lesson. If he just scolded and spanked the boy, he would have not understood his faults, but feel resentment against his master. For this reason, I think the monk is very intelligent in teaching students. Furthermore, when I was watching the movie, I was very curious about the monk. There was only one boat on the lake, and the monk was on his small backyard. However, when the boy went to the forest by riding the boat alone, the monk was there, too. I think he had some magical powers such as flying.
     To conclude, when I thought about my own experience, I think that the lesson that the monk is trying to teach are; "You will get paid for your bad behaviors" and "You should respect nature as if it's yourself". Also, I think that the discipline of the monk is well-done.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good essay, but wow! Big font! Reformat this and add the video please.
