2011년 1월 16일 일요일

Diamonte Poems - Nature & Human, Angel & Satan


Nature and Human

     Beautiful, Charming
  Cycles, Flows, Gives refreshment
  Trees, Fresh Air, Houses, Artificial
     Walk, Talk, Harms nature
   Think, Civilized



Angel and Satan

   Heaven, Virutous
   Forgive, Fly, Encourage good behavior
   God, Good-hearted people, Devil, Sins
   Encourage bad behavior, Tempt, Harm
     Malicious, Evil

댓글 2개:

  1. Good stuff, and nice contrasts. Challenging topics indeed. Really good vocabulary you have here~!

  2. I like it!! Or should I say I love it!!!? What ever.. HeHe Also the angel is really cute!!!
