2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Writing in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person Narratives!

First Narrative Writing(Fiction)
Title : A Ghost Duchess

Wednesday, January 18th, 2011

     I opened our room 805 door. My friends and I  came back from the study hall. I was so tired, as I nosebleeded twice today, but I had so many homework to do. My friends were tired, too. Therefore, we immediately brushed our teeth and went to bed. The bed was so soft and comfortable, as if I'm lying on the cloud. Oh, it was very relaxing. I prayed, thanked god, and jumped into my sweet sleep.
     In the dream, there was a sumptuous palace. People were having a feast. On the throne, a duke was sitting with royalty. On the left side of him, a beautiful duchess, with expansive clothes, was sitting too. They laughed happily. In front of them, but lower, there were people toasting the duch and the duchess. They all looked happy. But suddenly, it started to get cold. No, even FREEZING! I shivered. But something was strange. Am I the only one that is shivering? Other people had no reaction to this freezing temperture. What is this?
     I opened my eyes. At first, I was confused, but my mind came back to reality. Oh....of course. It was a dream. But it was stll cold! After a few seconds, I realized that the window was opened all the way, and the curtain fluttered by the cold wind. But who opened the window? I was very curious, but I had to close the window, so I went down the ladder and tried to close the window. However, it stuck. I couldn't close it. I used all my strength, but it still didn't close. While I struggled, I felt some kind of chill on my back. It wasn't due to the cold temperature, but I felt strange. So I turned around....but I shouldn't have..........
     A ghost was standing right beside me and was staring directly at my face. She was a duchess that I saw in my dream, but the difference was that the blood was oozing from her mouth. Even though it was kind of dark, I could see the red blood. It gave me goose bumps. I was so scared. She didn't even move but I realized that she was stretching her hands at me, as if wanting something. I tried to speak, but words didn't come out of my mouth, since my throat was too dry. I looked to the side to call my roommates, but my roommates weren't there. Trying not to be noticed I was moving, I pinched my hand. It hurt. Oh, my, god.......
     Me and the ghost was standing about for 15 minutes. She, without blinking her eyes, stared at me continously. I thought and thought and thought. What does the duchess like? Food? Jewlery? Expensive Clothes? I had an expensive frame that I hanged on the wall. So I gave her that. She moved her hands forward and took it. Then, she flew outside the window, high, high to the sky.....
     Still now, I'm very confused about this....................

Second Narrative writing
Title : A horibble day
     You are a high school student whose taking a big test today. But you woke up at 11 o'clock in the morning. You had to go to school at 8:00 am, but  the alarm clock was broken. You shout angrily and you start to think about how I'm going to take the test. You remember the teacher's words; "If you're late, it's your own fault, and you can't take the test again". Your heart pumps fastly. You make a grimace. You start to cry with a thought that what if you can't go to a good university? Your tear falls down drip by drip. It was a horrible and unlucky day.

Third Narrative writing
Title : Once upon a time...
     Once upon a time, there was a ugly girl named Grace. She had a big face with freckles and her eyes were too small for her big face. In addition to her unlucky appearance, she was an orphan, thus, was very poor. So, she lived in a hut with a nice women who let her live together.
     On the other hand, at the same time, there was a beautiful girl named Sophia who was famous for her beauty. When she walked pass, people was amazed with suprise. Also, since her family was in a high-class, generation to generation, they were fabulously rich. Golds were piled in her house.
     However, their personalities. When Grace saw people, even those who she's unfamiliar, she said hello happily. Even though she was extremely poor, she helped other poor people by giving them bread that was left. But Sophia, was full of pride and thought that she was the best, so she gave hardship to many people.
     Therefore, despite of her ugliness, Grace was loved by everyone, while Sophia was abused harshly by her personality.
 "Don't judge one by their outside, but their inside. Outside and Inside are different"

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