2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Out my Window

This is a site called "OUT MY WINDOW", which is very interesting.
It's a site that has a lot of documentary films about other people that has diffferent cultures.
We did this activity in our GLPS writing class.
There are total 14 different people here, and I chose Tola for my major assignment ; "compare and contrast essay". By this activity, I got to learn about Tola's culture. I hope you enjoy my essay!^^
Title : Tola the construction worker & Me
     Do you know the life of a construction worker in Cambodia? Most of you might no know about this very much. Therefore, with the "Out my Window" documentary, I'll write an essay about Tola, who is a construction worker. Tola is living in Cambodia, and he is a construction worker there. This guy is interesting to writing about, because he not only builds a building, but actually lives in it! Also, because the documentary shows out of his window in Cambodia, it was very amusing to explore it. By this activity, I learned that the daily life of other people in other country is very different from mine, even though it has some similarities. From now,  I'm going to write about Tola, and the view outside his window. Then, I will compare Korean culture and daily life to that of Tola's.
     First, I will give you a brief explanation of Tola. Tola is a construction worker that lives and works in a construction building. He sleeps here, and thinks that he's lucky to be here because it provides water, electricy, and a place to sleep. He gets to live here until the buyer moves in. In the start of his construction work, he didn't get to work much, but after a several years of working here, he can work much more and earn more money. Therefore, he feels pride of his job. For him, and others, it's crucial to attract a lot of tourists in order to earn more benefit, and the only thing he can do is "build".
     His view out of his window is very interesting. Many people enjoy leisure times. For instance, young people ride motorbikes and hang out with their friends. He sometimes feel scared for them. Also, he goes out in the park with his friends and see other people excercise. There are a lot of fancy buildings too.

     This is a picture of Samdech Hun Sen Park. For him, this reminds him about the war and life during the Khmer Rougeperiod. He never thought that his country would survive and see the development of the city because the war didn't finish that long ago.        


2011년 1월 23일 일요일

An Ode to my Cellphone

Dear my Cellphone,

You are pink and round, smaller than my hand, with Show and Ever written on it.
I am very thankful for you.
You give me entertainment when I'm bored or stressed, because
you let me play fun games; Cuga and brain game,
You give me friendship, because you connect me with my friends,
making me and my friends close to each other by text messages,
You give me safety and save me from emergency,
when I call my parents if I'm hurt or in danger.
You give me good scores,
for I use your dictionary, calculator, stopwatch.
You give me rememberence of my good memories of the past,
by the Camera that you have inside,
Thank you, my cellphone.

But I sometimes treated you badly.
Sometimes, I dropped you down to the floor in accident,
Were you hurt by this?
Also, when I was angry, I pushed your body so hardly.
I made you tired because I talked on your body with my friend for over 10 minutes, sometimes
30 minutes.
I am really sorry.

But why are you so expensive?
When I talk or text message on your body, it takes a lot of money.
So sometimes, I get in trouble from my mom.
But I think I deserve it due to my harm against you.

Even though you made troubles, you are my best friend, and I will be with you until you get old.
Good bye and thank you, my cellphone!

                                                                                       Your owner, Annie

Writing in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person Narratives!

First Narrative Writing(Fiction)
Title : A Ghost Duchess

Wednesday, January 18th, 2011

     I opened our room 805 door. My friends and I  came back from the study hall. I was so tired, as I nosebleeded twice today, but I had so many homework to do. My friends were tired, too. Therefore, we immediately brushed our teeth and went to bed. The bed was so soft and comfortable, as if I'm lying on the cloud. Oh, it was very relaxing. I prayed, thanked god, and jumped into my sweet sleep.
     In the dream, there was a sumptuous palace. People were having a feast. On the throne, a duke was sitting with royalty. On the left side of him, a beautiful duchess, with expansive clothes, was sitting too. They laughed happily. In front of them, but lower, there were people toasting the duch and the duchess. They all looked happy. But suddenly, it started to get cold. No, even FREEZING! I shivered. But something was strange. Am I the only one that is shivering? Other people had no reaction to this freezing temperture. What is this?
     I opened my eyes. At first, I was confused, but my mind came back to reality. Oh....of course. It was a dream. But it was stll cold! After a few seconds, I realized that the window was opened all the way, and the curtain fluttered by the cold wind. But who opened the window? I was very curious, but I had to close the window, so I went down the ladder and tried to close the window. However, it stuck. I couldn't close it. I used all my strength, but it still didn't close. While I struggled, I felt some kind of chill on my back. It wasn't due to the cold temperature, but I felt strange. So I turned around....but I shouldn't have..........
     A ghost was standing right beside me and was staring directly at my face. She was a duchess that I saw in my dream, but the difference was that the blood was oozing from her mouth. Even though it was kind of dark, I could see the red blood. It gave me goose bumps. I was so scared. She didn't even move but I realized that she was stretching her hands at me, as if wanting something. I tried to speak, but words didn't come out of my mouth, since my throat was too dry. I looked to the side to call my roommates, but my roommates weren't there. Trying not to be noticed I was moving, I pinched my hand. It hurt. Oh, my, god.......
     Me and the ghost was standing about for 15 minutes. She, without blinking her eyes, stared at me continously. I thought and thought and thought. What does the duchess like? Food? Jewlery? Expensive Clothes? I had an expensive frame that I hanged on the wall. So I gave her that. She moved her hands forward and took it. Then, she flew outside the window, high, high to the sky.....
     Still now, I'm very confused about this....................

Second Narrative writing
Title : A horibble day
     You are a high school student whose taking a big test today. But you woke up at 11 o'clock in the morning. You had to go to school at 8:00 am, but  the alarm clock was broken. You shout angrily and you start to think about how I'm going to take the test. You remember the teacher's words; "If you're late, it's your own fault, and you can't take the test again". Your heart pumps fastly. You make a grimace. You start to cry with a thought that what if you can't go to a good university? Your tear falls down drip by drip. It was a horrible and unlucky day.

Third Narrative writing
Title : Once upon a time...
     Once upon a time, there was a ugly girl named Grace. She had a big face with freckles and her eyes were too small for her big face. In addition to her unlucky appearance, she was an orphan, thus, was very poor. So, she lived in a hut with a nice women who let her live together.
     On the other hand, at the same time, there was a beautiful girl named Sophia who was famous for her beauty. When she walked pass, people was amazed with suprise. Also, since her family was in a high-class, generation to generation, they were fabulously rich. Golds were piled in her house.
     However, their personalities. When Grace saw people, even those who she's unfamiliar, she said hello happily. Even though she was extremely poor, she helped other poor people by giving them bread that was left. But Sophia, was full of pride and thought that she was the best, so she gave hardship to many people.
     Therefore, despite of her ugliness, Grace was loved by everyone, while Sophia was abused harshly by her personality.
 "Don't judge one by their outside, but their inside. Outside and Inside are different"

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Wacky Web Tales - Apple Suprise!

Apple Surprise


December 25th, 2011, Seoul—What was supposed to be a routine apple-picking trip turned into something much more. Annie and Sonia went to Mily Cyrus's farm to pick apples. This was a funny sort of farm! To get to the orchard, they rode on a(n) Jeep driven by Myeoung Bak Lee President! Annie and Sonia went about picking their apples, and they filled two big bags with the most Brown apples they had ever seen.
Suddenly, Kim Yuna happened to ride by on a(n) Lion and offered to turn the apples into a delicious pie, right there in the orchard. Annie and Sonia didn't believe that this was possible, but they agreed. Kim Yuna told them to close their eyes, and before they knew it, the apples were steaming, hot apple pies. Annie and Sonia couldn't believe their eyes! They were so amazed, they ran home and called Korea Herald. When Mily Cyrus was contacted about this matter, a reporter was informed that this “miracle” was “just a really Gorgeous practical joke”!

This is a website that I used for making tales.
It is very interesting, so I recommend you try it!
It will give you a big smile on your face!^^

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

My life in GLPS!


←『KMLA 』

     Hello, guys! From the beginning of January, I stayed in GLPS(Global Leadership Program for Students) camp, in KMLA. Before I came here, I was very nervous, but I was looking forward to staying in Minsa highschool, or KMLA. It's because My future dream is to go in and graduate KMLA.

     On Sunday, the first day of GLPS, my mom, granparents, and my sister came with me. We said good-byes and parted. When I stepped inside my room, 805, all of my roommates were already there. I was late. Together, we greeted each other and talked. At first, we were awkward, but later, we became close.^^

     In the first week, it was hard to adjust. The schedule was too busy, and the environment was uneasy, too. I wanted to go home at this time....^^;;; On Monday and Tuesday, we took the "Level-up Test", and on Wednesday, the result came out. Thank god! I got in the intensive, specifically class 24, which is the highest of elementary school students. I was very happy and satisfied.

     In the second week, I adjusted very well. I had fun with my friends and the classes were interesting. We mainly had Writing, History, Math, and Debate class. Even though we didn't have some fun subjects such as PE, music, PI, it was still fun. I liked the Writing class the best! Mr. Garrioch told us to write as much as we can, including the topics he gave us, which is what I'm doing^^

     Today is the Third Week!^^ I'm having a good time^^

2011년 1월 16일 일요일

Diamonte Poems - Nature & Human, Angel & Satan


Nature and Human

     Beautiful, Charming
  Cycles, Flows, Gives refreshment
  Trees, Fresh Air, Houses, Artificial
     Walk, Talk, Harms nature
   Think, Civilized



Angel and Satan

   Heaven, Virutous
   Forgive, Fly, Encourage good behavior
   God, Good-hearted people, Devil, Sins
   Encourage bad behavior, Tempt, Harm
     Malicious, Evil

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

Reflective Essay - "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" movie

     In the film, "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", a monk and his young student come out. They live together in a house on the lake. While they spend their days, the monk teaches his young student a lesson by his mistakes. They young boy tied a fish, a frog, and a snake with a rock for fun, and the monk saw that scene. Therefore, they night when the boy was sleeping, the monk did the same thing to the boy. He tied the boy with a thick rope and a big rock. Next morning, the monk ordered him to untie the animals, but most of them were dead. By this, the boy regretted his behaviors and cried. By this discipline, I think the monk is trying to teach him two lessons; "You will get paid for your bad behaviors" and "You should respect nature as if it's yourself". Also, I believe that the monk's discipline is efficient enough for the boy to reflect.
     In my opinion, I think the monk is trying to teach his young student that "You will get paid for your bad behaviors". It's because the monk did the same thing to the boy, as the boy did to the animals. By this event, the boy was paid harshly for his faults by getting tied. In my experience, I also got this lesson from my parents before. When I had many Hershey chocolates, I gave one each to my family members, but not my sister, because we had a big fight. My parents saw it as if she knows everything, like the monk in the movie. Later, when we went to the Ice-cream shop, she bought everyone an icecream exept me. Temporarily, I felt angry and disappointed, but later, I realized my fault and learned a lesson that I will get paid for my bad behaviors.
     Another lesson that I think he's trying to teach is, "You should respect nature as if it's yourself". It's because when the boy treated nature(animals) badly and disrespected them, the monk disciplined him. Likewise, I had an experience similar to this. When I was young, our family went hiking. While I was hiking, I ate some chips and it was annoying to bring the trash home. Therefore, I just threw it in the mountains. Again, my parents witnessed it and I got in big trouble. I learned a lesson that I should respect nature.
     I think that the discipline of the monk is well-done. By doing the same thing as the boy did to the animals, the boy regretted and learned a lesson. If he just scolded and spanked the boy, he would have not understood his faults, but feel resentment against his master. For this reason, I think the monk is very intelligent in teaching students. Furthermore, when I was watching the movie, I was very curious about the monk. There was only one boat on the lake, and the monk was on his small backyard. However, when the boy went to the forest by riding the boat alone, the monk was there, too. I think he had some magical powers such as flying.
     To conclude, when I thought about my own experience, I think that the lesson that the monk is trying to teach are; "You will get paid for your bad behaviors" and "You should respect nature as if it's yourself". Also, I think that the discipline of the monk is well-done.